Wednesday, September 10, 2008


A polynomial, is either zero, or can be written as the sum of one or more non-zero terms. The number of terms is finite. These terms consist of a constant (called the coefficient of the term) multiplied by zero or more variables (which are usually represented by letters). Each variable may have an exponent which is a non-negative integer. The exponent on a variable in a term is equal to the degree of that variable in that term. Since x = x1, the degree of a variable without a written exponent is one. A term with no variables is called a constant term, or just a constant. The degree of a constant term is 0. The coefficient of a term may be any number, including fractions, irrational numbers, negative numbers, and complex numbers.For example,

is a term. The coefficient is –5, the variables are x and y, the degree of x is two, and the degree of y is one.
The degree of the entire term is the sum of the degrees of each variable in it. In the example above, the degree is 2 + 1 = 3.

A polynomial is a sum of terms. For example, the following is a polynomial:

It consists of three terms: the first is degree two, the second is degree one, and the third is degree zero. Here "− 5x" stands for "+ (−5)x", so the coefficient of the middle term is −5.

When a polynomial in one variable is arranged in the traditional order, the terms of higher degree come before the terms of lower degree. In the first term above, the coefficient is 3, the variable is x, and the exponent is 2. In the second term, the coefficient is –5. The third term is a constant. The degree of a non-zero polynomial is the largest degree of any one term. In the example, the polynomial has degree two.

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